7:30 BELLS: “Art is the Perfected Imperfection” Dia CalhounJuly 23, 20137:30 Bells, Adam Gopnik, Music and Writing, The New YorkerComment
7:30 BELLS: How 30 Minutes Revealed Mystery and Magnificence in my Own Backyard Dia CalhounJuly 9, 20137:30 Bells, Grove of the Patriarch, Mount RainierComment
7:30 BELLS How are You Danced by Unseen Currents? Dia CalhounJuly 2, 20137:30 Bells, Lily Pads, Loons, Resonance, Rock LakeComment
7:30 BELLS: Writing Outside Leads to Writing with an Impassioned Heart Dia CalhounJune 4, 20137:30 Bells Comment