Eva in Bloomers?
EVA OF THE FARM has just been nominated for the American Library Association's AMELIA BLOOMER BOOKLIST!
Here is what my character EVA told me when I sent her an imaginary e-mail with the news: What fun! I am a heroine at last--I am so glad people value a heroine whose shining sword is her imagination! Maybe I can find a pair of old fashioned bloomers at the Senior Center Thrift Shop in Twisp to wear when I hike up the canyon."
Description of the Amelia Bloomer Booklist:
"An annual booklist of the best feminist books for young readers, ages birth through 18. We are part of the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association!"
Here is what my character EVA told me when I sent her an imaginary e-mail with the news: What fun! I am a heroine at last--I am so glad people value a heroine whose shining sword is her imagination! Maybe I can find a pair of old fashioned bloomers at the Senior Center Thrift Shop in Twisp to wear when I hike up the canyon."
Description of the Amelia Bloomer Booklist:
"An annual booklist of the best feminist books for young readers, ages birth through 18. We are part of the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association!"