7:30 Bells: Tuning Your Eye: A Wood Knot Becomes a Rose
On Saturday, I walked
through Point Defiance Park on a glorious, almost spring day. I was searching for
twisted and knotted sticks for a project. Although I saw trees and hikers and even an
eagle, my attention was on the search.
And then on the
I’d pick up a stick, turn
it this way and that, searching for what it might show me. One piece, a madrona
branch, had gorgeous gnarled knots. Marveling
at its beauty, wonder struck me: the gnarled knots looked like roses—black roses.
That’s when the bells began to ring—from possibility, from seeing in a new way,
from the firing of imagination.
What I look for as I
walk through the world, changes what I will see. This is true whether I’m
looking for a stick, or for kindness, or for beauty. Some call it synchronicity. I call it tuning my
LORE OF THE BELL: Tune your eye and you will change how you see the